Arise Music Festival 2015
Event Info
Chicago, Illinois - 07/28/2019
Looking for a ride for Arise music fest, or at least to denver. Will Pay my portion in gas and help drive. Hook a girl up
Mesa, Arizona - 05/13/2018
I’m leaving from Phoenix Arizona on Thursday evening to plan to be to the event by the time gates open Friday. Riding solo so I got room for 1 or 2 people. All I ask is a little gas money and good vibes.
Zip: 80012 - 08/03/2017
Needing a ride to Arise Friday morning! There are two of us, but we don't need much room for bags. One large suitcase and we each have a backpack.
Aurora, Illinois - 08/03/2017
Denver - 07/27/2017
Got room for 1 or 2 headed up for Thursday early camping. Leaving Denver around 5. Text is best 720-971-6717
Boulder, Colorado - 08/08/2015
Looking for a ride asap up to Arise. Can pitch in for gas of course. Please call or text Kevin at 310-866-3757
Thank you!
Thank you!
Boulder, Colorado - 08/07/2015
I need a ride in the afternoon or morning from boulder to sunrise ranch. can give gas money
Denver, Colorado - 08/07/2015
Hello Arise Festival Goers. I'm looking for a ride up from Denver area around 1pm tomorrow (saturday). Thank you
Zip: 80303 - 08/07/2015
Looking for a ride up to the festival Saturday afternoon from boulder/longmont... not too much gear, can provide gas, etc... already have a ride home... flexible on pickup location/time... thanks!
Denver, Colorado - 08/06/2015
I am heading to Arise both Friday and Saturday afternoon. Friday around 3 or 4 depending on if I have my shit together post work, on Saturday I will most likely be leaving the Metro area around 5. I have room for two in my compact car if you have gear.
Denver, Colorado - 08/06/2015
I am leaving Denver - May Field area around 7-8 and leaving the festival around noon on Sunday. I have room for me +4 and a lot of cargo space in my van.
-Ananda Fay Blisstress
-Ananda Fay Blisstress
Denver, Colorado - 08/06/2015
I am heading to Arise on Friday afternoon, around 4ish. I have room for one, possibly two people, and plenty of room for gear.
Sidney, Nebraska - 08/06/2015
Coming west on I-80 to Cheyenne, then down I-25 to Arise. Leaving early Friday morning and coming back either Sunday night or Monday morning, depending. Willing to pick up anyone who needs a ride, up to 3 riders plus gear. Text Jason 512-644-4547.
Chicago, Illinois - 08/06/2015
Leaving Chicago and driving straight to Arise Music Festival (15 hour drive) this afternoon in large sprinter van. Plenty of space! Call me asap if you need a ride from out this way/enroute (Route: highways 88/80/76) Thanks! Lyndsay 571-214-8805
Boulder, Colorado - 08/06/2015
My sister is going to drop me off at the festival mid-day Friday. If you need a ride from Boulder Longmont or Loveland let me know!
Denver, Colorado - 08/06/2015
I am just going up Saturday 11a and leaving Sunday 12p because I have work to do and music to make. :P Hit me up if this works with your schedule too. I have a big Cargo Van. Fits me +4 more.
Zip: 80218 - 08/06/2015
Going to Arise on Friday after work. Willing to offer a ride if anyone needs. Just let me know.
Denver, Colorado - 08/05/2015
I am looking for a ride to Arise on Friday morning. I'll chip in for gas! My plan is to get there early because my friend is coming in the evening and I want it to be all ready for her. Need a bit of room for my tent and things.
Zip: 81623 - 08/04/2015
I'm leaving mid-afternoon on thursday and want to arrive around 7 at the latest. I can pick you up on the way too. I have a few spots in my car.
Somerset, Colorado - 08/04/2015
Going to Denver / FoCo / Loveland tomorrow around 3pm.
Have 2 free seats but not much cargo room.
Have 2 free seats but not much cargo room.
Breckenridge, Colorado - 08/04/2015
Hey beautiful souls! I'm looking for a ride home on sunday evening. I need to be back in frisco anytime on sunday night. I have gas money!
Loveland, Colorado - 08/03/2015
I need a ride, only 11 miles away located in Loveland. I know this is not that far but I would gladly appreciate a ride rather than walking!
Zip: 80524 - 08/02/2015
I am volunteering early Monday Morning PRE FESTIVAL I need to arrive monday no later than 9am :)
La Mesa, California - 07/31/2015
Hey beauty soulss, tis faerie is attending arise for my bEarthday , and would love if anyone is roadtripin there from san diego or anywhere in so cal?
Boulder, Colorado - 07/31/2015
I am looking for anyone driving south on Sunday afternoon. Sadly, I need to be back in Boulder by 5pm. Anyone? Thanks so much!
Dubois, Wyoming - 07/30/2015
I will be heading to Loveland on Thursday, August 6th before the festival begins. I am willing to pick up anyone along my way.
Zip: 80526 - 07/30/2015
Hi, I'm volunteering with a nonprofit and I need to be at the festival grounds between 1 and 2pm on Thursday. I'm coming from Fort Collins and am happy to have someone hop in my car if you need a ride to the fest from FoCo/Loveland. I only have room for 1 person and their gear.
Colorado Springs, Colorado - 07/29/2015
Hi beloved festival goers. Seeking a ride to the festival from the Colorado Springs area as early as Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning if possible! Working the event so need to get there a bit early yet can be flexible. Please reach out if you are headed up that way! I will help with the ride up :) Blessings!
Broomfield, Colorado - 07/27/2015
So I have a ride to Colorado. I'm going to the event with my cousin, but he's a volunteer, so he has to be there a day early. My aunt lives in Broomfield, so that's why I'm going to be prior to the festival. I only need a ride to the event itself. It would be even more convenient if somebody that has the pass to get in a day early, cause I got one of those.
Zip: 80304 - 07/23/2015
Hi, Can I get a ride to Arise on the Friday? I'm happy to help with gas money setup camp etc.
Boulder, CO - 07/22/2015
I'm looking for others to pedal up by bicycle! ... interested?
Probably 2.5 hours of labor. Wouldn't mind getting there by ~ noon on Friday. Expect we'd need bike lights for a late return Sunday (or maybe early Monday?).
Probably 2.5 hours of labor. Wouldn't mind getting there by ~ noon on Friday. Expect we'd need bike lights for a late return Sunday (or maybe early Monday?).
Kansas City, Missouri - 07/19/2015
Hello Arise Family! I am looking for a ride to the festival from Kansas City Missouri. I am a peaceful person and an experience traveler. I can share driving responsibilities as well. Any help to or from the festival would be greatly appreciated! My name is Jordan Sunshine Hamrick on Facebook if you want to make sure I am a real person.
Denver, Colorado - 07/18/2015
Hii anybody out there can give this lil kitty a ride!!? Would greatly appreciate it!!

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