Bonnaroo 2012
Event Info
Looking for Bonnaroo 2025?
Zip: 33914 - 12/10/2012
i need a ride form cape coral to Buchanan Ga but Atlanta will do be fine also it for me and my 16 month old son where in bad spot dont really have money but have food stamp and could pay for food and things please help!
Manchester Tennessee - 06/10/2012
Looking for a ride from Bonnaroo to New York area. Happy to chip in for gas.
Manchester, Tennessee - 06/09/2012
Bonnaroo to Nashville Airport Sunday 6/10/12 and 6/11/12. Call Deborah 615-785-5359 for pricing, times and pick points. Very reasonable.
Zip: 38943 - 06/08/2012
Last minute looking to get to roo ill drive my name is marc sinagra look my up
Bonnaroo to Nashville - 06/07/2012
Was looking for a ride to Nashville from Bonnaroo on Sunday night. Have a bus from Nashville leaving at 11:15pm (so would like to leave Bonnaroo by 9:30pm, but could leave earlier). Anyone passing through that way?
Zip: 40207 - 06/06/2012
19 year old boy need a ticket and a ride from louisville ky last min sorry
Zip: 27607 - 06/06/2012
I'm a 24 year old female, first time to Bonnaroo. My car broke down, but I'm determined to get there!! I live in Raliegh and can leave Thursday, June 7th at any time after 7 pm. Please let me know if you can give me a ride. I will help with gas money and driving!
919 906 8812
Zip: 27604 - 06/06/2012
Leaving at roughly 4am on Thursday 6/7. Departing back to Raleigh sometime in the morning on Monday the 11th.
Zip: 50314 - 06/06/2012
My boyfriend and I rode to Tennessee with my roommates for Bonnaroo, but they are staying out here for awhile and we need a ride back to Iowa! Just the 2 of us, and we packed light. Let us know! Thanks
D.C. - 06/06/2012
hey guys! I am driving back from
bonnaroo leaving Sunday night around 9 or so. I have a big ford explorer and can take 3 more people! I am going to the DC/MD area and would love to have people ride with me. Price negotiable!
11206 New york, New York - 06/05/2012
leaving JFK airport area at 1:45 in a 2008 honda accord. if no one cares about smoking, then its fine. will have a 20lb shiba inu in the front seat with my gf. we are looking to get there early thurs morning. vendors preferred, but take whoever. RT is 200
Zip: 15203 - 06/05/2012
I am driving from Pittsburgh Thursday evening 6 ish, I have a fast reliable car. Need two people to split the cost. Shoot me an email I'll get back to you ASAP 4128607613
Zip: 11211 - 06/05/2012
Technically i live in long island but I can be picked up anywhere in the nyc area. i'm fun and young and all the awesome things you would want in a passenger. I hope this convinces you of my awesomeness!!!!! take me to the roo
Memphis, TN - 06/05/2012
Hey! 1 guy looking for a ride to Bonnaroo. I am a chill guy and overall good company. Willing to pay reasonable amount in gas. Looking to leave the 6th
Zip: 15210 - 06/05/2012
Hey three girls ages 23 looking for someone to carpool to ROO with, we are looking for someone atleast 25 so that we can rent the rental car at a cheaper price, We will all then split gas and price of rental. Looking to leave tomorrow night! :)
Zip: 01950 - 06/05/2012
2girls looking for a ride to bonnaroo from the greater Boston area.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - 06/05/2012
We are 2 24 yr old girls leaving wednesday night and have 2 open seats...we are coming back probably monday morning really early or late sunday night..we are open to that. Looking for people to help with gas!
Zip: 48109 - 06/05/2012
I'm Danny, a 21 year old, male college student. I will be leaving from Ann Arbor around 4 pm on Thursday and I don't have a solid time of when I will be returning. I'm hoping to work that out with you, I just need to be back by 6pm on Monday to see Radiohead, again. I'm a laid back dude, 420 friendly, looking to have a good, 1st Roo Experience. Let me know if you still need a ride.
m5b2k5 - 06/05/2012
Girlfriend and I (29 and 28 y/o) looking for a ride to bonnaroo! Ideally leaving wed morning and coming back monday. Would be happy to share gas and driving.
It's last minute I know lol but email me,
43206 - 06/05/2012
I have 3 tickets available for $200 each. I will be in Columbus till 7 pm on Wednesday, then on the road to bonnaroo driving till we reach the festival. This post is mainly if you need a ticket. We may have room for one more. Call or text 614-558-1927
Zip: 19717 - 06/05/2012
Looking to leave Tennessee early/mid-afternoon to arrive in the Newark, DE area for work on Monday morning.
DC - 06/05/2012
Hi there- I need a ride from Bonnaroo, hoping to arrive in DC/VA/MD area by Sunday night. Female in 20's, willing to contribute gas and flexible on drop-off/ pick-up. Thanks!
Harbour Place Dr., Tampa, Fl 33602 - 06/05/2012
I'm looking for a ride as my ride fell through. I definitely have money for gas. I love roo and don't want to miss it.
Zip: 15116 - 06/04/2012
My brother decided not to go! Need a ride from pittsburgh pa. 24m please let me know if you can!
Zip: 62549 - 06/04/2012
Hey leaving decatur illinois on wed around the afternoon if you need a ride. i just ask you chip in on gas. and dont be a wierdo.
Phoenix, AZ - 06/04/2012
know its a long stretch, but need to get to 'roo (or to friends in ohio by wed ha) from Phoenix az! def will compensate and reciprocate the love and generosity! :D
nashville, tn - 06/04/2012
Hey! I'm michelle. 19 year old college student, volunteering the fest. On my way down to nashville right now from chicago! BUT my ride from Nashville to roo just bailed on me, so if anyone's driving thru Nashville on their way to volunteer on Tuesday please let me know! I'll pitch in for gas of course. Cheers!
Zip: 64111 - 06/04/2012
leaving wednesday at 12:00pm coming back monday 11th anytime...85 each way..2 seats avail.
Zip: 07726 - 06/04/2012
Trying to fill an RV that friends bailed on. Good crew heading down and back.
Meridian, ms - 06/04/2012
Leaving louisiana on wednesday morning. Want to be in line by 5pm wednesday, passing through and looking to see if anyone needs a ride. Email me through here. Bonnaroo!
Birmingham, Alabama - 06/04/2012
Leaving louisiana on wednesday morning. Want to be in line by 5pm wednesday, passing through and looking to see if anyone needs a ride. Email me through here.
Zip: 11706 - 06/04/2012
I have a RIDE TO ROO (and back) available for 2 or 3. I know it's cutting it close. We want to leave tomorrow night. Me and my bf (25y and 26y) We would like to lower our cost by carpooling so we are asking to split the gas.
Zip: 40219 - 06/03/2012
21, m. I'm working in one of the artist pods, but my job prevents me from going down earlier in the week with the rest of my crew. I can't leave until Wednesday night or Thursday morning, so if anyone has any space, I would pitch in on gas and other...things. Thanks!!
East Lansing, Michigan - 06/03/2012
IM 19 a great driver who need a ride from MSU. I can chip in gas and we ca hang with my friends who are down there, Im a really cool person and get along withanyone! Let me know 7702761373
Zip: 06117 - 06/02/2012
22yr old male, responsible and considerate traveler, more than willing to put in my share of gas money and time driving. my 5th time going to bonnaroo
Zip: 12401 - 06/02/2012
Zip: 37217 - 06/02/2012
Need pickup from Nashville airport at 1:30 on Thursday, and a lift to Bonnaroo! (Return trip would be nice too) Have money, will travel! Looking for a clean ride with minimal odor of Patchouli.
new smyrna beach - 06/02/2012
I am looking for a return ride from Bonnaroo to either Daytona Beach, New Smyrna Beach, or somewhere in that area. I'll have very small footprint and will contribute to gas costs.
Zip: 33559 - 06/02/2012
I'm 24, a non-smelly, fun and easy going goofball/USF student. This will be my 6th 'roo, if I can find a ride! I can pack light, if necessary, and I can leave anytime. I'd hope to hook up with my friends and sister in Manchester, but whatever is convenient! Please let me know if you have an extra seat. :D
Zip: 77040 - 06/02/2012
my name is nancy im 23 f and i am desperate for a ride to ROO! i have money for gas and i wont take up space. call me at 832-213-7377 if interested thank you!
Zip: 07080 - 06/02/2012
My two buddies and I (all college seniors from NJ) are driving down to our first Roo and looking for some fun people (2 or 3) to help split the cost and make the long ride even more enjoyable. We're heading down in a comfy minivan with enough room to stow away your stuff and you're more than welcome to park in our suburban neighborhood as we're trying to drive directly there. Probaby leave Wednesday come back monday. Message me asap and we'll figure it all out. Let's goooo.
Zip: 10033 - 06/01/2012
One chick needs ride from NYC area & back. I've been the past FIVE years in a row! One bag. Will be camping with little brother & friends. You can camp with us if you want, or we can meet up on the ride back.
Zip: 49505 - 06/01/2012
I am a female living in Grand Rapids, Michigan and I need a one -way ride to Bonaroo next weekend.I have friends there I can ride home with. I cannot leave before Thursday morning (7th), not before because I am going to a Roger Waters concert on the 6th and already have my ticket to it. I am also totally down to leave after the concert which I should be home from by midnight. I can help with gas, and food and I would really appreciate it. Please email me and I can give you my number to figure something out. Thank you!
Zip: 49505 - 06/01/2012
I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan and I need a ride to Bonaroo next weekend. I have to leave Thursday morning (7th), not before because I am going to a Roger Waters concert on the 6th and already have my ticket. I am also totally down to leave after the concert which I should be home from by midnight. I can help with gas, and food and I would really appreciate it. Please call or text me if you can help or email me. Thank you.
Zip: 01938 - 06/01/2012
21 year old male looking for a ride to too. Willing to split driving, gas, and any other costs necessary.
Zip: 70506 - 06/01/2012
Leaving on tuesday. Want to maybe spend the night in TN tuesday night. If not possible then leave tuesday to make it into Manchester early Wednensday so that I can meet my friends to drive in with them. Anyone is welcome to join us except creepers, you know who you are! Asking for 120 round trip. negotiable if more than one person contacts me. i have space for 3.
Louisville, KY - 05/31/2012
Greetings Roo'sters!
I'm 1/4 of an RV traveling from Louisville, KY to the farm and would love to fill it with people looking for rides and/or beds. We've got plenty of room so email us for details including pricing and location pick ups!
Zip: 05401 - 05/31/2012
My name is Amy and got a last minute ticket. I have my grad on wed. day, so wondering if anyone is leaving from burlington wed night?
Zip: 49008 - 05/31/2012
Hello all. I'm a 23 year old male from kalamazoo MI. I decided to get a roo ticket last minute and am hoping to car pool down. Obviously I am more than happy to chip in for gas. I would also be willing to meet you within a couple hours of kalamazoo. 3rd Bonnaroo. Laid back. Green Friendly.
Zip: 31023 - 05/31/2012
I know this is last minute but that's kind of how I do things. I'm a 23 year old guy, leaving from Eastman, GA and I have room for about 4 or 5 in my truck. This is my first Bonnaroo trip. I'm meeting some friends there but I have to leave Thursday evening and probably get there around 10pm or so. Can do one way or round trip if need be just looking for a little help on gas.
Zip: 11418 - 05/31/2012
I have a available space is anyone needs a ride.
Zip: 32210 - 05/30/2012
Would like to meet up with a group and go to 'Roo this year. I am a 34 yo female. I have all my own gear, can either contribute gas $ or possibly drive if I have 3 others splitting gas (Rav4). None of my friends can get off work but I would still like to go!
Zip: 64111 - 05/30/2012
I have a car with 2 seats. $100 1-way $200 2-way leaving tuesday night on the 6th. coming home monday sometime..
Offering rides to and from Nashville Airport & Murfreesboro to Bonnaroo.
$40 per person one way from Murfrreesboro.
$60 per person one way from Nashville Airport
Cash only upon pick up
Quickest way to contact me is at 615-403-4553
Zip: 66103 - 05/30/2012
Hey everyone! I'm looking for a ride from Nashville/Manchester area to Destin, FL. Leaving either Sunday or preferably early Monday morning. More than happy to chip in extra gas money if it's a little bit out of someone's way and to help drive. I'm an awesome co-pilot!
Zip: 33067 - 05/29/2012
I am leaving Tuesday morning at 6am. I intend to arrive in Manchester around 6-8pm. Looking for a nice, open minded, fun passenger.
Zip: 07901 - 05/29/2012
Looking for some nice young people to give me a ride from Jersey!
Zip: 33613 - 05/29/2012
Sorry, we're looking for a ride, not offering. I'm travelling with my brother-- we're 18 and 21. Lookin' for a relaxing ride up, and back. Thanks a bunch.
Tampa - 05/29/2012
Travelling with my brother-- we're 18 and 21. Lookin' for a relaxing ride up, and back. Thanks a bunch.
Zip: 64111 - 05/29/2012
looking to go in on renting a car or hitching a ride! will pay for gas!
Zip: 33301 - 05/29/2012
I am looking to drive. I have a very comfy BMW X5. 23M live in FTL. Call/text me if you're interested? My friends all bailed on me and I AM NOT MISSING BONNAROO! lol. looking to leave between wednesday and friday some time. Very easy going.
Zip: 33029 - 05/29/2012
22/m Uf student. EVERYONE bailed last second making the trip by myself and thought it would be fun to carpool. Gas money much appreciated =D
Zip: 37421 - 05/29/2012
I have a flight out of Chattanooga Monday evening and I'm looking for someone to drop me off on the way back either Sunday night or anytime Monday. Willing to chip in for gas.
Zip: 47432 - 05/29/2012
need a ride. got a ticket and had some unexpected expenses. hella broke. and need a free
Zip: 40165 - 05/29/2012
leaving early wed morning. anyone is welcome to ride. will be leaving mon morning. 31,m, all (420) good ;)
Zip: 32825 - 05/29/2012
I have a three people in my car currently (one girl, two guys) all ages 22-25. We had a fourth person for the ride to Bonnaroo, but she had to drop out at the last minute. This is all of our first times to Bonnaroo. Anyways, if you need a ride, please let me know.
We're leaving out of Orlando on Wednesday morning. We just ask for 75 bucks gas from each person (whatever we don't use will go back to each person).
Zip: 32605 - 05/29/2012
I have a three people in my car currently (one girl, two guys) all ages 22-25. We had a fourth person for the ride to Bonnaroo, but she had to drop out at the last minute. This is all of our first times to Bonnaroo. Anyways, if you need a ride, please let me know.
We're leaving out of Orlando on Wednesday morning, stopping in Gainesville to pick one person up. We just ask for 75 bucks gas from each person (whatever we don't use will go back to each person).
Denton, TX - 05/29/2012
Leaving Denton for Bonnaroo Wednesday afternoon after class. Heading up to Texarkana (my hometown) to pick up my copilot and grab some dinner with my parents, then heading east. Would like to split gas one or two more ways. Me and my friend are both 20ish college guys, prefer non-smoking.
Zip: 25701 - 05/29/2012
My roommate and I, two females 23 and 25, are looking for a ride down. We could meet you within an hour or two from the area if needed. Our car recently broke down. We're volunteering fro Clean Vibes post show, so will only need a ride down, as we can't leave until the 13th. Thanks!
Zip: 10032 - 05/29/2012
2 26 year old females looking to a hitch a ride. We're based out of NYC, but can travel within the tri-state area. Willing to chip in for gas and tolls, trade good conversation, and 4/20 friendly!
Our departure and arrival times are very flexible.
If you're interested hit us up!!!
Burlington, VT - 05/28/2012
Hey! I'm a 20-year-old UVM student, got a car that seats 5 with a decent-sized trunk (Honda Accord) and I'd love to fill it to split the gas! I'm working at Bonnaroo so I need to leave either Monday night or Tuesday morning to get to the site by Wednesday afternoon. I'm pretty laid back about everything and a reasonably good driver. Let me know if you need a hitch! -Courtney
Zip: 62281 - 05/28/2012
Single dude. Doesn't drink or smoke. Looking to go down and have some fun.
Zip: 11222 - 05/28/2012
I just bought my ticket today. I live in Brooklyn, NY (Williamsburg) and I'm down to leave anytime on wednesday or thursday that week.
Zip: 07746 - 05/28/2012
Need a ride for 1 person, possibly 2. The car we were supposed to head down in got into an accident and is in the body shop with an unknown release date. I am a 20 year old male, and the other possible rider is a 20 year old female. We are both willing to chip in for gas and assist with driving, and we both retain a good driving record. We are not picky with music and get along with just about everyone. My hopes were to leave NJ Tuesday night to reduce traffic, make it to the Walmart party outside of Roo, and get a good spot in line. We have about 20 others to meet up with down there and we would love to expand our group and have you in it! More to be discussed over the phone, hope to hear back soon with only a week left this is cutting it short!
Zip: 82072 - 05/28/2012
Hey! Plans have changed and I am looking to find anyway to get down to the farm. I have friends going, but their either full, or are taking a bus. I am willing to pick someone up along I70 east of Denver, or I80 east of xLaramie. I am either in need of a ride, or looking to pick someone up. It would really help if I could get some extra gas money if, say, I picked you up in east Kansas. Let me know!
Zip: 82072 - 05/28/2012
Hey! Plans have changed and I am looking to find anyway to get down to the farm. I have friends going, but their either full, or are taking a bus. I am willing to pick someone up along I70 east of Denver, or I80 east of Laramie. I am either in need of a ride, or looking to pick someone up. It would really help if I could get some extra gas money if, say, I picked you up in east Kansas. Let me know!
Indianapolis Indiana - 05/28/2012
Hello Everyone! Patrick here. I'm going to be flying into in Indy on Wednesday the 6th and am trying to find my way down to Bonnaroo. Indy way the cheapest flight I could find anywhere near the festival, and now I'm stuck with the dilemma of making the 5 hour trek south. If anyone has suggestions of how to get from Indy to Manchester and back, I'd love your help! I'm landing in Indy at 1 on wednesday and flying back out on Monday evening.
I can offer good Karma and gas money to whoever can help! A little bit about myself: I'm a college student in Montana studying Sustainable Foods and Bioenergy Systems. My interests are gardening, raising chickens, playing piano, sharing traveling experiences, meeting new people and making memories.
please please please, help a fellow wanderer out!
Zip: 11207 - 05/28/2012
my name is justin and me and my friend are 2 Australian backpackers and we are trying to get from NYC to bonnaroo festival. we are happy to pay half for gas. my email is thanks
Zip: 11211 - 05/28/2012
hey everybody
name's Andy. Looking for ride to Bonnaroo. I live in Williamsburg, BK but happy to meet up.
So excited this is my first big music festival.
Have an awesome weekend!
Zip: 07751 - 05/28/2012
Hey, my boyfriend and I (21/23 years old) are looking for a ride down. We have gas money, cds, and good company, and we'd be super grateful :)
K9H3Y7 - 05/28/2012
Hey there! We have a girl in our group who NEEDS to be back to Kingston for work Monday morning. Anyone leaving Roo early-ish Sunday??? A ride to Toronto area, Ottawa area or even Syracuse or Rochester would be ok.
Thanks kids. Happy Roo!
Zip: 33063 - 05/27/2012
need a ride i have very limited fund but could pitch food stamps i have worked for phish green crew for years and i am quite experienced Jimmie Hendrix if you know what it is peace pot and micro dot . Greatful Dead
Nashville and surrounding areas! - 05/27/2012
Hi all Bonarooers needing transportation to Bonaroo/Manchester,TN from the Nashville, TN area. $40. 1-way/1 person from downtown Nashville, Airport, Murfreesboro, Hotels, Bus Station or anywhere within the Nashville or surrounding areas. Please contact me directly at 615-403-4553 to schedule your ride to Bonaroo. Discount for 3 or more riders. Safe & reliable. Ask for Ms. A Lee
Nashville and surrounding areas! - 05/27/2012
Hi all Bonarooers needing transportation to Bonaroo/Manchester,TN from the Nashville, TN area. $40. 1-way/1 person from downtown Nashville, Airport, Murfreesboro, Hotels, Bus Station or anywhere within the Nashville or surrounding areas. Please contact me directly at 615-403-4553 to schedule your ride to Bonaroo. Discount for 3 or more riders
Dunwoody - 05/27/2012
Heeeeey! I just need a ride to Bonnaroo from GA and of course a ride back to Dunwoody, GA. Pleaseeee contact if you can help out!
Zip: 01960 - 05/26/2012
Hey! two 23 year old females looking for a ride to Roo! really laid back and looking to have a good time! willing to share driving and split gas prices!!
Wakarusa-Bonnaroo!! - 05/26/2012
Hi all! Two guys here volunteering at Wakarusa in Arkansas and then heading over to Bonnaroo to volunteer there also. Looking for a ride between Waka and Roo!! Free to leave Waka anytime after June 4th and 9pm, when we complete our volunteer shift. If anybody could help out that would be awesome!! Happy to split gas and whatever else!!
Peace and love
Norfolk, VA - 05/25/2012
My sister and I need to be there for volunteer check-in on Tuesday. We are willing to meet up in DC/VA area.
halifax - 05/25/2012
i am an acadia student looking for a ride to bonnaroo
Zip: 17603 - 05/25/2012
RV group of 4 looking for a couple or group of 3 to join us to Roo, price negotiable, message me for more details.
East Lansing, Michigan - 05/25/2012
Heyy! I'm 21, looking to find a ride down to TN for bonaroo! I'll chip in w/e for gas & im also green-friendly/legal :)
I wouldnt have much else but a backpack. I live in east lansing but would be willing to meet u w/in an hr or so from here to head down to TN. text me @ 313 848 5162 if you can offer a ride!
Zip: 60634 - 05/25/2012
We are 2 girls in our 20s looking for a ride down to Bonnaroo. This will be our second year at the festival, and we are prepared and excited for the journey. We both are able to drive if necessary and will pitch in with gas cost, as well as any other expense.
Zip: 32707 - 05/24/2012
Hello, I'm 22, I have space for 2 people in my car, I get great gas mileage and im very laid back. If you help out with a bit of gas it will appreciated. i can only get you a ride to Bonnaroo, but not back as i will be going hiking in the smoky mountains after the festival.
Zip: 39183 - 05/24/2012
My ride bailed on me last minute and i am looking for anyone in Mississippi or close that is carpooling, it saves the earth and you meet cool people, i honestly think this site is the coolest thing ever, but anyways. i live in vicksburg ms and am needing a ride, my telephone number is 6018316607 or you can email me on here, im a 25 year old male thanks guys and gals
Zip: 60076 - 05/24/2012
I'm a 23-year old guy in a white Subaru leaving Chicago-town on MONDAY (June 4) to get to 'roo by Tuesday because we are volunteers.
It will be just me at first, then we're stopping through IU Bloomington to pick up my girlfriend, then trying to stay the night Monday night in Nashville before heading into the fest finally on Tuesday afternoon. There was a girl who offered to host us her name is Jill are you still there?!
Can offer 1 or 2 people a ride from Chicago as there are 5 seats in our car (me, gf, jill?, you, you) but probably a lot of stuff! Email if interested and include your photo if possible so I know you are real
Also what are we supposed to do about camping if you come with that is a little confusing to me still hmm..
20016/dc - 05/24/2012
hey everyone. 27 yr old laid back girl looking for a lift down to and back from the roo. clean and respectful and fun, and willing to chip in for gas and/or help with driving. really hoping to find a lift with some fun peoples! i have my own tent so i can camp with you guys or find my own spot, whichevers works best ;) thank you so much!
Zip: 02143 - 05/24/2012
28 year old female and probably also a 25 year old male looking for a ride to Roo from the Boston area! Preferably leave Boston Tuesday night/Wednesday morning and leave Roo Monday morning. More than happy to share costs and driving shifts!
Zip: 40165 - 05/24/2012
31,m looking for 1-2 riders leaving wed at 3pm back monday around noon.
Zip: 30609 - 05/23/2012
Really would like to go to the Roo, but want people to go with! If you are far away and need a place to crash, holla. 21 female College student.
Zip: 28801 - 05/23/2012
Pre-fest volunteer looking for a ride from Asheville in western North Carolina. Need to arrive in Manchester on Sunday June 3rd. I will split gas and time at the wheel. This is my 3rd bonnaroo, 2nd time volunteering.
Brooklyn - 05/23/2012
1x 27 year-old woman keen to rideshare down to Bonnaroo leaving 4th or 5th of June. Happy to contribute money and driving skills. Email me if you are interested!
Zip: 72401 - 05/23/2012
Anybody coming through Jonesboro?
Fort Lauderdale, Florida - 05/22/2012
Trying to put together plans last minute. Single traveler leaving from South Florida and can pick up 3 (maaaaybe 4) people on the way. I get about 30 mpg in a '08 GT convertible and I'm looking to have passengers cover all the gas if possible. I'm backpacking it with a two person tent and if there is someone I'm comfortable with it can be shared.
Zip: 10025 - 05/22/2012
2 girls from NYC (24 years old) need a ride to roo!!!
Zip: 01904 - 05/22/2012
Who needs ride? 20 year old male here. I have a 4 door sedan and need people to go with. Don't worry, I'm cool and awesome.
Zip: 54859 - 05/22/2012
in northern wisco. want to b in line for roo by wed... can take 2 extra riders who r willing to help with gas money n such, who r on the way there of course
Zip: 37201 - 05/22/2012
Am 39 y.o. female, flying into Nashville from Virginia. Am wanting a ride to Manchester and hopefully back to Nashville. Can go wed night or thurs. My first time at Roo.
Zip: 10027 - 05/21/2012
3 Girls (College Students in nyc) need a ride to Bonnaroo... will totally contribute to gas and more cash if need be. Need to get to Roo!
Zip: 32304 - 05/21/2012
19 yo male college student in Talahassee, desperately in search of a ride up to 'Roo. Will contribute to gas. If there's any way you may be able to help me out, contact me please and thank you.
Zip: 60558 - 05/21/2012
- 20 year old student at Univ. of Iowa
- 3rd 'Roo looking for a two-way trip
- light luggage, don't have to camp with you if you don't want me to haha
- will leave and return on any day so long as you stay for Phish!
- any other questions let me know
Zip: 17603 - 05/21/2012
Lancaster City bro looking for a ride to roo. Have a little gas money and a pack. Pennsylvania / NY / NE drivers hit me up!!
Zip: 74127 - 05/21/2012
Tulsa kid trying to get ride to the Roo. have gas money, travelling light, just trying to get there. at this point.
33138/South Florida - 05/21/2012
I am a single 18 y/o female with a 07 dodge durango that I am hoping to get about 4 or 5 people to throw down gas money and help drive up to bonnaroo! Would be leaving miami around 8/9 on june 6th so we would have to drive through the night and get there at about 11 or noon latest! Lemme know asap; BONN IS IN 2 WEEKS!
Zip: 32757 - 05/20/2012
I'm a 21 year old guy from Mount Dora, FL 40min out of Orlando. This will be my third year going to Bonnaroo second year volunteering. I am really chill and make great travel mixes! I'm looking for a ride there and back with a good travel partner. I will definitely be contributing for gas :)
I'd also be down to drive my little Honda civic if you would not drive your vehicle.
Zip: 77546 - 05/20/2012
Leaving from Houston on Wednesday the day before event Thursday. Peace and love to Roo! :)
nashville, tn - 05/20/2012
Two of us are looking for a ride from Nashville to Bonnaroo on the third (for pre-fest volunteering). Let me know if you are headed that way!
Zip: 01905 - 05/20/2012
I'm a 20 year old dude looking for someone to make the trek with. I do have a car but I'm stuck by myself and would like to have some people to split costs and stuff with. Send me an email and we can talk and figure some stuff out.
40223 Louisville Kentucky - 05/18/2012
If anyone is passing through louisville kentucky on their way to bonnaroo or anyone local, I'll be glad to pay a far share for a ride! I'm 17 so I can't drive myself. ill fill your tank up, and only will have a rucksack with me. Any ride would be much appreciated!
Zip: 60123 - 05/18/2012
Whats up Chicagoans?! 25 year old guy here, first time Bonnaroo'er looking for 3 others to carpool with to Roo who are willing to split gas costs. I'm going alone so I have room for 3 others in my 06 Scion XB. Ideally we would leave Wednesday night and will drive back home Monday morning. Message me for more info.
Zip: 02145 - 05/18/2012
23 year old female in need of a ride to Bonnaroo from Somerville! Able to supply cooler w/ waters/drinks and lots of snacks! Can also help with gas.
Zip: 27262 - 05/18/2012
26 year old male offering rides in a 20' motorhome to Bonnaroo. Gets approx. 15/mpg, chipping in on gas appreciated. Only responsible, laid back, clean people need apply. Thanks!
Zip: 60613 - 05/18/2012
Hello, looking for a ride and will pay gas money or whatever is needed!
Zip: 75206 - 05/17/2012
I'm Pauline. I'm looking for a ride to Bonnaroo this year from Dallas, TX. I'm a chica just trying to see some great shows.
M6K 2V1 - 05/17/2012
Journalist and his assistant are driving down to Bonnaroo in an SUV. Looking for two (cool, laidback, fun, male or female) people to join us. We're leaving on the morning of the 6th, staying in a cheap motel close to Manchester then getting an early start thursday a.m. Ideal candidates would be willing to share the driving and obviously split gas.
Memphis - 05/16/2012
a friend and i are arriving at the Memphis amtrak station at 6am on wednesday the 6th and were hoping to catch a ride out to the fest, we'll throw down for gas, etc. let me know
Louisville, KY - 05/16/2012
Group of 3 traveling from NJ and picking up an RV in Louisville, KY. We are looking to fill 4 spots in the RV! Would rather people who want to stay in the RV all weekend and split costs but will also consider giving people rides from KY to help with travel expenses. Contact me for more info!
Edmonton, Alberta - 05/16/2012
I am a male aged 25 and am looking to drive down to Bonnaroo with someone. Preferably with someone that can drive. Can leave at anytime, but looking at leaving Friday, June 1. Will be coming back as soon as possible.
Zip: 02828 - 05/16/2012
Hi! My friend and I are looking for a ride to Bonnaroo from Providence RI. We can meet you somewhere on your route that is convenient. We are 21 year old females and will obviously pitch in for gas, tolls and what not. We are fun, easy going and ready for a great adventure, let me know if your interested in driving us, cheers!
Zip: 37918 - 05/16/2012
I am looking to join a group traveling to Bonnaroo from/through Knoxville. I am a Roo vet, so I am prepared to handle the elements. Of course, am also willing to contibute $ for gas and other expenses.
I am 30 y/o male who is friendly, respectful, and adventurous!
Zip: 92630 - 05/16/2012
Was at Bonnaroo in 2009. Drove last time (but from PA). Thinking about driving from Lake Forest, CA this time as that's where I live now. Also have an extra ticket. Thinking about renting an SUV (or could take my car but don't want to). If anyone wants to split gas/ rental, I'd drive there and back.
m5t2s3 - 05/15/2012
Myself & another lovely lady are headed to roo for our second time. will split gas, don't have much baggage. mostly looking for a fun time & good crew. msg me!
Zip: 06489 - 05/15/2012
Hey! I'm heading down to Bonnaroo with a couple friends, but they're heading toward Cali after, so I'm looking for a ride back to CT, I need to be in work at 4PM on Monday I believe.
Zip: 14607 - 05/15/2012
5th and 6th time roo vetrans heading down south again! We have room for 2 people, leaving wednesday. Not sure how early yet. Come join the party!
Zip: 02144 - 05/15/2012
Hey there,
21 year old female traveling down from boston. Making a stop in NYC to pick up one other friend. Room for 3 in car. Would love if people can share driving shifts/gas money/etc!
Zip: 18705 - 05/15/2012
4th time rooer with a spare seat to offer.
Zip: 42101 - 05/15/2012
Looking for a carpool for three of us to Bonnaroo. Willing to kick in for gas and/or driving shifts. We are meeting friends driving up from Florida there so we would be camping somewhere else
Zip: 37803 - 05/14/2012
From Maryville, TN and in need of a ride. Really close to roo and if you're coming from another area and are passing through it'd be appreciated. I have all the camping supplies needed and everything else, just need a way to get there. Contact me. Thanks!
Zip: 15222 - 05/14/2012
Big van, 3 seats left. $55 each way. If willing and able to take driving shift, price reduced to $45 each way. Just me and my boyfriend so far. Have been to Roo before. Have personal shower. 1 meal/day provided at no additional cost. Meals made at 10am and are substantial enough to get you through most of the day.
Zip: 02021 - 05/13/2012
Hi there I'm a 30 year old male looking to get to Bonnaroo, I just moved to the Boston area from England, I'm originally from Ireland, i work as developer for a software company, love music, friendly, responsible, no problem paying for gas, etc.. can help drive.. if you can help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Plz get in touch.
Zip: 33619 - 05/11/2012
I am a friendly 20yo female, this will be my first time at Bonnaroo and I am SO excited! My ride dropped out on me so now I don't transport :[ I have gas money and my dad's a mechanic in St. Petersburg so I'm pretty handy to have around haha :]
Cincinnati,Ohio - 05/11/2012
25 year old looking to go to first Roo!
Salt Lake City, Utah - 05/10/2012
Second time to Roo but 1st time volunteering. 20-something female looking for ride to get from SLC to Manchester by Wednesday in time for check in. Will split gas and have baked goodies to share. Ride back would be nice but getting there more important. Hoping to meet fellow volunteers- thanks:)
Zip: 20816 - 05/10/2012
20 year old Clean Vibes volunteer looking for a ride to and from the festival! I'll be at Roo from 7-11th. I'll bring money, food, and good conversation! I could also get a ride to towns in the tri-state area if that's where you are.
L6H3S6 - 05/10/2012
HELP! 24 yr old female Looking for a ride to Bonnaroo, since friends bailed last minute. I am good company, LOVE music and partying but also like to chill out. Help a sister out! :):)
Zip: 70508 - 05/09/2012
Looking for 2 people to fill out our SUV. Must be from Louisiana or be willing to meet in Louisiana. We are good people looking to party, must be willing to comply with that
Zip: 10009 - 05/09/2012
I need a RETURN ride to NYC, preferably Mon 6/11. Will split gas/costs!
Zip: 37212 - 05/09/2012
I'm Jill, a second time Bonnaroo goer. I live VERY close to Bonnaroo (an hour away in Nashville TN). I am volunteering and am looking for a ride into Bonnaroo with another volunteer, since the group I am camping with isnt coming until the start of the festival. I would be happy to split gas for the hour drive from Nashville to bonnaroo. I would also offer my ride (up to 4 people) a comfortable place to stay Monday night and a home cooked meal the next day. Hope to hear back from you soon!
Zip: 37212 - 05/09/2012
I'm Jill, a second time Bonnaroo goer. I live VERY close to Bonnaroo (an hour away in Nashville TN). I am volunteering and am looking for a ride into Bonnaroo with another volunteer, since the group I am camping with isnt coming until the start of the festival. I would be happy to split gas for the hour drive from Nashville to bonnaroo. I would also offer my ride (up to 4 people) a comfortable place to stay Monday night and a home cooked meal the next day. Hope to hear back from you soon!
Zip: 12508 - 05/09/2012
Howdy, need to get to Roo. I'm working as a smoothie maker and am looking to get there a day early. Is anyone going down that can give me a ride?
Whistler, BC - 05/09/2012
Hey! need a ride to bonnaroo! If you have an extra seat and need same cash let me know :)
cheers, Jasmine
Zip: 30121 - 05/08/2012
I am a 22 year old make. This my first Ynez going to bonnaroo and I want it to be the best adventure, I will have a extra ticket if anyone will need and I have money for gas.
Zip: 01854 - 05/08/2012
Hi! I'm a 25-year-old female journalist and festie lover looking to get down to Roo this year from the Boston area! I have money to split gas and tolls and am super easy to get along with and down with whatever! is my blog!
Zip: 71602 - 05/08/2012
Coming from Arkansas, willing to meet up in Memphis, or other closer area.
Chicago Illinois - 05/07/2012
21 year old male culinary school student.
laid back and love to have fun, travel, and experience new people.
Need a ride for first time to bonnaroo from small suburb 30 miles south of chicago. Ill help with gas costs, food costs, etc. Must be fun person or group I want to experience all bonnarro has to offer.
Zip: 37830 - 05/07/2012
I'm a 20 year old guy lookin for a ride to paradise. This is my second roo and I'm so excited. I can help with gas as much as I need and any other expenses.
Zip: 33613 - 05/03/2012
I am a 21 year old female driving from Tampa to Bonnaroo. I already have 2 passengers and I'm looking for one more. Someone who is willing to fill up my tank once each way. Let me know!
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - 05/03/2012
M/44, driving to Roo.
Hoping to find someone to split gas / driving duties.
Leaving Tuesday night after work, coming home first thing Monday morning.
Zip: 33138 - 05/01/2012
Looking for a ride from MIAMI/south florida region (even all over florida) to bonnaroo! 18/f looking for nice, fun people to carpool up and back with! Have a license, more than willing to help drive and split gas money! My carpool ran out of space and dumped me :( Have 2007 Durango we could use!
Zip: 33138 - 05/01/2012
Looking for a ride from MIAMI/south florida region (even all over florida) to bonnaroo! 18/f looking for nice, fun people to carpool up and back with! Have a license, more than willing to help drive and put down gas money! My carpool ran out of space and dumped me :(
Zip: 06612 - 05/01/2012
Offering a ride from HERE to Bonnaroo..and any stops along the way.
Zip: 93023 - 05/01/2012
2 twenty-three girls looking to be at bonnaroo by the 4th for pre-fest volunteering. happy to help with gas and driving.
Zip: 33701 - 05/01/2012
Hello, This will be my 5th Roo. I am driving up from Downtown St. Pete and have room for 1-2 more I am considering doing tent only again this year. Sure could use the help with gas. Im a 36yo male with extensive festival expience. Age means nothing to me.
M9B 2G5/Toronto - 05/01/2012
21 year old female psychology student!
love to party/travel/good times all around
travelling with my friend, she's wicked, toronto actor
Zip: 18040 - 04/30/2012
Hey Hey!!
We're leaving from Easton PA...can leave any time between Saturday 6/1 and Tuesday 6/4 (we have friends near Bonnaroo - good people - who we were hoping to visit for a couple days). But the need to split gas & toll costs supercedes the need to visit...Me and ma best festie girl Rachel...looking for two more. Nice ride...2008 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 4-door...good sound system...and 420 friendly... : ) Lemme know!
Riki Jee
K2B 8H2 - 04/30/2012
Girl. 28. Audiophile. Enjoys deep meaningful conversation... and music. Not adverse to drugs/sex & rock & roll...
Zip: 36695 - 04/30/2012
Hey everyone. Looking for like minded folks to share the ride to Roo. No wookies. Sorry. No tobacco in car either. I also have an extra ticket for face value. 28 / m in good standing with the world. 4;)
Zip: 19901 - 04/30/2012
I posted previously, saying I was offering a ride down, but I unfortunately think that with all that I have to take for a larger group that I'm camping with, I can't offer a ride down, but I can certainly offer a ride back. Read other post from this area for info.
Zip: 28805 - 04/29/2012
I live in asheville, nc and im volunteering for roo this year so i'd need to be there by the 5th. Im respectful and willing to chip in for gas and party favors. A ride from asheville and back would be great
Zip: 21252 - 04/28/2012
Live in MD! willing to drive 2 hours to someone to hitch a ride to the roo! will pay gas money
nashville, tn - 04/28/2012
Hello, I am flying out of BNA Tuesday and will spend Monday night in Nashville after leaving Bonnaroo Monday. I am looking for a ride to downtown Nashville and if you have an attractive offer a place to stay. I am a friendly, respectful graduate student, no over the top hippie bullshit.
m6g1c1 - 04/28/2012
Leaving Wednesday morning and returning Monday. Best road trip festival. Looking for 3 guys or girls to join is 3 guys in our late 20's. Renting a van and costs per person around $120 depending on gas and stuff.
Please email me for more info.
Zip: 21061 - 04/28/2012
I live in the baltimore area and need a ride!?! possibly for 2 people. I am neat and extremely responsible. Willing to chip in for guess or meet up in the general area.
Chicago, Illinois - 04/27/2012
Hi, Im currently in Chicago and I would totally be down to carpool with anyone in the area going to Bonnaroo. It would honestly be so chill if this happened. Im willing to pay for gas and such. Let me know! Thanks
Zip: 20016 - 04/23/2012
Looking for a ride to Bonnaroo from DC and back.
Zip: 42349 - 04/20/2012
I'm looking for a ride back to Washington State, the closer to Seattle, the better.
Zip: 13622 - 04/19/2012
Need ride to and from. Can meet as far as syracuse.
Zip: 19901 - 04/18/2012
Myself and two others will be carpooling from this general area. If anyone else should need a ride, I can definitely help out. Compensation for gas and food would be very helpful. My car is small, so space for gear will be fairly tight.
Zip: 33129 - 04/18/2012
Single female. Have money for gas! please please someone hit me up. I'm very chill and calm. It's my first year going!
Atlanta, Georgia - 04/17/2012
We are two kiwi's heading to Bonnaroo 2012. We are looking to hire a camper in Chicago, Dallas or Atlanta (as that seems to be where they are cheapest close enough to the festival). We are looking for a few more people to share good times and costs with (looking at around $1200-1300 for 7 days spilt between everyone). Wont be a party hard camper or anything as we will look to wind down after a day filled with music with a few drinks and a yarn. Let us know if you are interested and we can go from there.
Zip: 75201 - 04/17/2012
We are two kiwi's heading to Bonnaroo 2012. We are looking to hire a camper in Chicago or Dallas (as that seems to be where they are cheapest close enough to the festival). We are looking for a few more people to share good times and costs with (looking at around $1200-1300 for 7 days spilt between everyone). Wont be a party hard camper or anything as we will look to wind down after a day filled with music with a few drinks and a yarn. Let us know if you are interested and we can go from there.
Zip: 60602 - 04/17/2012
We are two kiwi's heading to Bonnaroo 2012. We are looking to hire a camper in Chicago or Dallas (as that seems to be where they are cheapest close enough to the festival). We are looking for a few more people to share good times and costs with (looking at around $1200-1300 for 7 days). Wont be a party hard camper or anything as we will look to wind down after a day filled with music with a few drinks and a yarn. Let us know if you are interested and we can go from there.
Zip: 24236 - 04/17/2012
Husband and wife hiking the Appalachian Trail need a ride from anywhere around Damascus VA to Bonnaroo for our 7th ROO
Zip: 20878 - 04/16/2012
I live in Rockville MD, but can take the metro to anywhere in the Washington DC metro area. I am 23 years old , cool ass cat, make good company, will contribute to the group! Also a veteran. Would love to chat!
Zip: 12815 - 04/14/2012
Hey! I'm a 22 year old female from upstate NY looking for a ride to Bonnaroo and back! Will chip in for gas and expenses and I can get to the Albany area for pick up if it's helpful. I'm friendly and independent and I travel light with the exception of a few small hula hoops :) Thanks in advance!
Zip: 07649 - 04/13/2012
Pre-Fest Volunteer, willing to pay my share for gas. This will be my 2nd Roo. E-mail me!
Zip: 02134 - 04/11/2012
Looking to see if anyone has open spots in their car going to/from Bonnaroo this year.
Toronto, Ontario - 04/11/2012
my friend ivy and I are looking for people to carpool with from toronto! email me at
Chapel Hill, NC - 04/11/2012
I'm currently a student at UNC, and I have three seats available to anyone who needs a ride to the Roo. I'll be departing on June 5 (or 6th?) because I'm volunteering at the fest, and all volunteers have to be there a bit early. I drove a guy from Asheville last year, and it went well, so I figured why not carpool again. Contact me about anything. I HOPE THAT YOU GUYS ARE AS EXCITED THIS YEAR'S BONNAROOOOOOOO AS I AM!
Carmel, Indiana - 04/10/2012
Hi my name is Emily and 2 friends and I (all of us 19-20 year old college students, male and female) are interested in carpooling to Bonnaroo this year from around the Indy area. We're looking to have a good time and meet some new people along the way! Also we're 420 friendly.
Zip: 10003 - 04/10/2012
we have tickets to 'roo but don't have a car or a ride yet
considering renting a car, but would prefer if someone had a car and we'd chip in
we are a fun bunch and will be my 3rd year going to 'roo
we are 3 people
me, 28
my girl, 22
my guy friend, 28
Zip: 66103 - 04/09/2012
Hey I'm looking for a ride from KC to Bonnarroo possibly leaving early Wednesday evening. I can help with gas and driving!
Winnipeg,MB - 04/08/2012
30 Year old male second time going to roo hoping to catch a ride this year and save on air travel.
K2H 9L4 - 04/08/2012
My name is Mike. I'm looking for a ride to, that's right, Bonnaroo. I am from ottawa but would be down to meet in Toronto or Montreal or other nearby towns. I'm 22, easygoing and have a good sense of humour. I am willing to pitch on gas and snacks. Get at me if you can help.
Zip: 33127 - 04/05/2012
I'm a single 25 yr old female looking for a ride from midtown miami. If you are able to give a ride hit me up!
b1l 1g8 Sydney NS - 04/02/2012
Hey my name is Ashley,I am trying to get in on a rideshare from Halifax NS to Manchester TN for the Bonaroo music festival, June 7 -10th. I am very tiny , traveling very lightly, and just want to get there preferably not a lone , I can provide gas and other expenses, I am very nice and outgoing.
would be so greatley apprecaited!!!!!!! can you help? AnYone??
b1l 1g8 Sydney NS - 04/02/2012
Hey I am trying to get in on a rideshare from Halifax NS to Manchester TN for the Bonaroo music festival, June 7 -10th. I am very tiny , traveling very lightly, and just want to get there preferably not a lone , I can provide gas and other expenses, I am very nice and outgoing.
would be so greatley apprecaited!!!!!!! can you help? AnYone??
Zip: 30309 - 04/02/2012
small car that will have room for roughly 2 more people.
Zip: 49321 - 03/29/2012
24/m and 23/f looking for people to help with gas costs. Meeting up with people in Lansing. Sociable, laid back, 420 friendly.
Zip: 92037 - 03/28/2012
Hey, i'm a 20 year old guy from La Jolla looking to get to the Roo this year. I got gash and will blaze out whoever rides the whole way out. Not bringing gnarly drugs or anything, just looking for a good time. Looking for people who wanna drive too. Thanks ahead of time :) Email me to see if we can make magic happen.
Zip: 92037 - 03/28/2012
Hey, i'm a 20 year old guy from La Jolla looking to get to the Roo this year. I got gash and will blaze out whoever rides the whole way out. Not bringing gnarly drugs or anything, just looking for a good time. Email me to see if we can make magic happen.
Zip: 48104 - 03/27/2012
Two people from Ann Arbor, Michigan need a ride to and from Bonaroo 2012!
Zip: 10027 - 03/27/2012
Offering a ride for 2 people, Rented a car, me and my girlfriend are looking for people to split the costs with.
Zip: 21230 - 03/27/2012
I Have a good group of people leaving out of the DC/Bmore area.(around 10-16 people) If you would like to join our group/camp with us, please reach out to me. Im trying to get as big a group together as I can. We can all leave the area around the same time in a caravan
32082/ Jacksonville ,fl - 03/25/2012
I am 27 year old guy headed to my 4th roo. I have room in my truck for one person. I can also take a ride from someone and we can split the gas price.
Zip: 49321 - 03/24/2012
Looking for a ride to Roo. 24 year old male. Will help with any costs. Have been before, so experienced. Laid back, sociable, 420 friendly.
Zip: 54601 - 03/24/2012
Me and one friend are looking for a ride to Roo!! we plan on volunteering so we have to be there on tuesday
Zip: 76118 - 03/23/2012
Hello There! My name is Aaron. I am a 21 year old male looking for the a ride to my first Bonnaroo! I am willing to split costs and drive time. Easy going and loves long walks through campgrounds, drop me a line.
M6C 2K7 / Toronto,ON - 03/22/2012
Hi, I'm Diego. Looking for someone who's driving to Bonnaroo from Toronto and back. I would divide tha gas expenses with the driver, and also cover additional costs if required. I am a sociable yet extremely peaceful person, great for fun and laidback road trips. Let me know if you can help me! Thanks
Zip: 49504 - 03/21/2012
This will be our first Bonnaroo experience for my friend and I. We originally had more people in our group, but due to financial circumstances, it is now only the two of us. We're hoping to set something up to drive down with a few others in order to save as much money as possible with gas and everything. We are both 19, girls, and open to meeting new interesting people.
Zip: 14620 - 03/21/2012
I am a 26 year old male looking for a ride to Bonnaroo. Willing to contribute heavily to travel expenses. Can meet up in Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse etc. Easy going person.
Zip: 07028 - 03/20/2012
Looking for a ride for 2 maybe 3 people! We're super fun, willing to chip in for gas, driving, etc.
Zip: 34741 - 03/20/2012
I'm a 20 yr old girl looking for a ride to Bonnaroo and back! I'm friendly and very open. Please no creeps or shady deals. I have gas money and a little more for your effort!
Halifax, Nova Scotia - 03/12/2012
Female, student at Dal, looking to car pool. Thanks in advance!
08016 New Jersey - 03/09/2012
Me and my friend need a ride down to bonnaroo and back from NJ. I went in 2009 had a great time and met some great people! will split gas money!! female 22, friend female 27
w. 130th st ny ny - 03/08/2012
Me and my girlfriend looking to carpool
will split all costs (ie: renting a car, gas, tolls, etc...)
Zip: 02149 - 03/07/2012
hey everybody im looking for a ride from boston ma to bonnaroo 2012. im very dependable and will have money th throw down for gas, hotel and whatever else we end up needed. im a 24, male witha a valid license to im down to share the driving if needed.
Zip: 74075 - 03/06/2012
Hey guys my friend and I are needing to hitch a ride there and back if you could help us out it'd be awesome. She's been before but I haven't, both females, ages 20 and 19.
Zip: 52302 - 03/06/2012
Me and my friend (age 21 and 30) will have room for 2 maybe even three down to our first Bonnaroo! We can pick you up on the way as well all i ask is we split the gas . Would love to experience with some new friends. We will be leaving Wednesday June 6.
Zip: 46803 - 03/06/2012
My name is Andrew and I am a 21 year old college student who lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana. My friend Cole (22, male, student) and are looking to carpool down with a friendly group of people around our age. We have tents, food, beer, and friendship to offer and would love to experience our 3rd year at roo with some other new friends. 420 friendly!
Zip: 46803 - 03/06/2012
My name is Andrew and I am a 21 year old college student who lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana. My friend Cole (22, male, student) and are looking to carpool down with a friendly group of people around our age. We have tents, food, beer, and friendship to offer and would love to experience our 3rd year at roo with some other new friends. 420 friendly and no tricks!
Zip: 20816 - 03/05/2012
Looking for a ride to and from Bonnaroo, will offer $$ and food and jokes!
Zip: 33154 - 03/05/2012
Me and a friend looking for a ride! MIGHT be able to meet up in a more northward location! Willing to pay for gas and possibly help drive the way there! :)
Zip: 27705 - 03/03/2012
Graduate student from Duke offering ride from triangle area (Durham and Chapel Hill). Depart from Durham on Wednesday, June 6, 2012.
l4j 7s4 - 02/27/2012
Me and a few of my friends need a ride! We're willing to split up. There are probably about 5 of us at most. We're working out the details still. I personally am a 20 year old female, and all of my friends range from 19-21. We're all really friendly, willing to chip for gas, and are looking to have a sweet time!
74077 Stillwater Oklahoma - 02/25/2012
I am a 21 Y-O male college student, first time to go a rooing and am in need of some friendly friends to carpool to roo and back. I have purchased my ticket and I have a license. I am more than willing to pay my part of expenses.
Can't wait to meet up with you, thanks!
h8r 1L6 - 02/24/2012
Zip: 92843 - 02/24/2012
Hi! Me (22 year old male) and my friend (21 year old male) are looking for a ride. We both have licenses and would be willing to drive part of the way an share costs of gas, food and anything else that comes up. We both already have our tickets, paid anyways, and are willing to travel in the area to meet up with you. Thanks!
Savannah, GA - 02/21/2012
Hey, my buddies and I are driving to 'Roo from Savannah/Fort Stewart and have an extra spot open for one person and their gear. If you are on our way, we can pick you up as well just looking for a little fee (60.00 includes beer, use of 8-man tent, gas, and MREs)
Savannah, GA - 02/21/2012
Hey, my buddies and I are driving to 'Roo from Savannah/Fort Stewart and have an extra spot open for one person and their gear. If you are on our way, we can pick you up as well just looking for a little fee (60.00 includes beer, use of 8-man tent, gas, and MREs)
Savannah, GA - 02/21/2012
Hey, my buddies and I are driving to 'Roo from Savannah/Fort Stewart and have an extra spot open for one person and their gear. If you are on our way, we can pick you up as well just looking for a little fee (60.00 includes beer, use of 8-man tent, gas, and MREs)
Savannah, GA - 02/21/2012
Hey, my buddies and I are driving to 'Roo from Savannah/Fort Stewart and have an extra spot open for one person and their gear. If you are on our way, we can pick you up as well just looking for a little fee (60.00 includes beer, use of 8-man tent, gas, and MREs)
Savannah, GA - 02/21/2012
Hey, my buddies and I are driving to 'Roo from Savannah/Fort Stewart and have an extra spot open for one person and their gear. If you are on our way, we can pick you up as well just looking for a little fee (60.00 includes beer, use of 8-man tent, gas, and MREs)
Zip: 89509 - 02/21/2012
I am a first-timer. don't have my ticket yet, but am looking to see if I can go with some cool people. I live far... Nice, 23 yr old college student.
Zip: 89509 - 02/21/2012
I am a first-timer. don't have my ticket yet, but am looking to see if I can go with some cool people. I live far... Nice, 23 yr old college student.
Zip: 89509 - 02/21/2012
I am a first-timer. don't have my ticket yet, but am looking to see if I can go with some cool people. I live far... Nice, 23 yr old college student.
Zip: 89509 - 02/21/2012
I am a first-timer. don't have my ticket yet, but am looking to see if I can go with some cool people. I live far... Nice, 23 yr old college student.
Zip: 89509 - 02/21/2012
I am a first-timer. don't have my ticket yet, but am looking to see if I can go with some cool people. I live far... Nice, 23 yr old college student.
Zip: 30143 - 02/20/2012
Hey this is my second roo i'm a 23 year old male I have room for 1 person and gear so just let me know i'm very easy to get along with
Zip: 30143 - 02/20/2012
Hey this is my second roo i'm a 23 year old male I have room for 1 person and gear so just let me know i'm very easy to get along with
Zip: 48081 - 02/19/2012
26/F from the metro Detroit area looking for some new friends to carpool & camp with! I'll definitely throw down for gas, split grocery costs, and so on! I'm not sure my time constraints for returning yet but I should know soon!
11581/ NYC - 02/18/2012
18 male from New York City looking for a ride back anytime on Sunday. I'd be willing to help out with driving and will have gas money. It'd be greatly appreciated if someone could help. Thanks!
Zip: 01970 - 02/15/2012
Hey! Me (19 year old female) and my friend (20 year old male) are looking for a ride! We both have drivers licenses and are more than willing to help with gas! We can travel to surrounding areas if anyone can give us a ride! Thanks!
Zip: 10924 - 02/15/2012
Atlanta - 02/14/2012
Hi there! I'm a 20 year old female looking for some other chicks to ride with-- guys are cool, I just would hate to be the only chick on such a long ride.
I'm really down to earth, sweet, respective, not a backseat driver, and willing to help with gas or trade a ride for some Lucy. I can meet up with you around the Atlanta area.
Zip: 38120 - 02/13/2012
Leaving Memphis Wednesday morning, June 6, 2012...have a space for one more....Rick
Zip: 07719 - 02/10/2012
Hi My boyfriend and I need a ride there and back.I am 29y/o he is 26y/o. We are Super awesome open minded and always joking and laughing. We both have valid DL so we can pitch in on driving, we would make great designated drvers so you can have fun(We are d-rug and alcohol free). Will give money for gas.
Zip: 08831 - 02/07/2012
Hey guys, I need a ride back to New Jersey from Bonnaroo, I have a ride there.
Zip: 26505 - 01/25/2012
24-year old male looking for a ride from Morgantown, WV.
I don't drive, but will split gas/other expenses. I can meet you along the way if need be. This will be my second roo and I look forward to all of the memories of the trek and the fest.
Zip: 28806 - 01/18/2012
I know it's early but I am going and have room for two more!
Boca Raton, Florida - 11/07/2011
Would LOVE if someone in South or Central, FL could give me a ride! I haven't ever gone because my car is a 1997, it would be way too sketchy to try to make the 14 hour trip in her. Willing to offer baked goods, smiles, ridiculousness, and some cash if you would help me out!
27606/Raleigh - 09/26/2011
I know its early but I need a ride to bonnaroo..will be willing to compensate anyone who offers me a ride!

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