After Bhakti Fest, I now have space for 2 people and would love some company. I'm willing to stop anywhere along the way.
California Tantra Festival 2017
Event Info
Zip: 92252 - 09/12/2017
Leaving from Joshua Tree on Tue after 4pm driving through Barstow, Bakersfield, by-passing Fresno (taking highways 99 & 63), arriving Wed morning, hopefully by 11am. Stopping somewhere to camp enroute for the night, likely around Bakersfield.
After Bhakti Fest, I now have space for 2 people and would love some company. I'm willing to stop anywhere along the way.
After Bhakti Fest, I now have space for 2 people and would love some company. I'm willing to stop anywhere along the way.
Irvine, California - 09/12/2017
Hi! I am Line, i'm 23years old and currently a student,
I am leaving irvine on the 13th at 5am to arrive to the festival before 6pm,
I am driving by myself, i have 4 seats available,
I would love to give a ride to anyone mindful, kind and open
I am leaving irvine on the 13th at 5am to arrive to the festival before 6pm,
I am driving by myself, i have 4 seats available,
I would love to give a ride to anyone mindful, kind and open
Zip: 94117 - 09/06/2017
Looking for a ride to and from California Tantra Festival. Departing wed 9/13 at 12 noon or earlier leaving from SF (ideally Cole Valley, the Haight, or inner sunset) and going to Fresno area (Camp Hye Sierra, 45000 East Kings Canyon road). Returning on Sun 9/17 in afternoon.
Joshua Tree, California - 09/05/2017
I have space for 1 person definitely, and potentially 3 more in my van if we work together to move a few things around and raise the back row of seats.
I would welcome some friendly,easy going, conscious, community-minded company who would be happy to contribute something to gas.
I would welcome some friendly,easy going, conscious, community-minded company who would be happy to contribute something to gas.
Zip: 94131 - 09/05/2017
I'm planning to leave San Francisco early Friday morning and return on Sunday. I'd really appreciate a ride! Can meet anywhere in SF bay area. Thanks!
Zip: 95472 - 09/02/2017
I'd like to share a ride, and can use my car, on Wednesday morning, back on Sunday. I live in Sebastopol, and can pick up or join someone in Marin or East Bay.
Fresno, California - 08/28/2017
I would like a ride during the morning 13th September and Returning on the evening of the 24th September or 25th September to Fresno. I am flying in from Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. I am great company, kind and appreciative of this amazing life. Namaste, Ronski
San Francisco Airport - 08/15/2017
Anyone driving from San Francisco Airport on Thursday or Friday? Haven't booked flight yet. Thnx and much love
Los Angeles - 07/27/2017
I will arrive to LA on the 11th and would appreciate a ride to the early arrival to the festival.
Zip: 94705 - 07/16/2017
I'd love a lift to the festival! I'm heading to SoulPlay after the festival.

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