Catapult! The National Contra Showcase is a new, one-of-a-kind, 4-day contra dance festival showcasing the next wave of exciting contra talent ready to sweep across the country. Join us in Atlanta over Memorial Day Weekend 2012.
2012 Line up:
The Bands:
Floorplay (VA), Gypsy Caravan (CO), La Banane Enchantee (MA), The Noteboys (IA/OH/WI), On The Fly (FL), and Sassafras Stomp (MT/ME)
Techno: dJ Improper (MD)
The Callers:
The Callers:
Jean Gibson-Gorrindo (CA), Michael Hamilton (OH), Valerie Helbert (VA), Rachel Shapiro (MA), Susan Taylor (MD), and Mary Wesley (VT)
Would be open to riding with someone, but could also offer a ride - whatever works!!
Zip: 32301 - 05/22/2012
Would be open to riding with someone, but could also offer a ride - whatever works!
Zip: 71301 - 03/01/2012
I'm looking forward to the dance. I'll be driving from Louisiana to Atlanta, so there are lots of people on the way! I don't know the times of travel yet; I'm hoping to get Friday off and leave early Friday morning.
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