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Dirty 30 2021

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Golden, CO - 06/10/2021
Looking for two passengers since two of my passengers bailed on me at the last minute. Grrrr…I have a 6:05 starter as one of my passengers who needs to get to the Start by 5:45 for pre-race meeting and pickup her bib. So, need two other passengers to meet me at the base of Golden Gate Canyon State Park at 4:30 and be prepared to leave by 4:45.
Lakewood, Colorado - 06/10/2021

I have a parking pass and my buddy dropped out due to an injury last week.

I have a 7:05 start time, but can definitely leave early.

Phone is 717-576-8162

-Brady Hagerman
Morrison, Colorado - 06/08/2021
Hi! I’m just hoping to snag a ride up to the race in the morning. I can meet somewhere too! Thank you
Zip: 80401 - 06/07/2021
I am a 6:00 starter with room for 2 more. Leaving from Golden, could meet at a parking lot prior if required. Shoot me a text (720) 550-3849
Golden - 05/31/2021
Looking for a ride to the start of the Dirty 30 on Saturday, June 12th. My pickup location is flexible. My start time is 6:20am.
Zip: 80301 - 05/28/2021
I have a 6:05 start time and am looking for a ride. I'm in Boulder and can meet somewhere convenient for pick up! Thank you!
Zip: 80305 - 05/24/2021
If anyone in the Boulder, Lafayette, Louisville, Broomfield, or Erie area needs a ride, I am a 6 am starter and still have room for 2 or 3 additional runners. I have one runner I am picking up in Boulder so maybe we could find a park and ride in the vicinity of Boulder that would work. Let me know if you are interested.
Westminster, Colorado - 05/23/2021
6am starters 2
Nederland, Colorado - 05/20/2021
Have room for 3 people heading to the race for the 6:00 start.
Denver, Colorado - 05/20/2021
I have 2 available spots in my car for carpooling! I live in the Highlands (by Little Man Icecream) and am happy to take people back and forth from that area and/or scoop people from any convenient parking lot in Golden. Feel free to shoot me an email or a text (6092761076) to coordinate, my name is Andy.
Denver, Colorado - 05/20/2021
6:05 start leaving from Denver tech center area. Still have room for 2.
Zip: 80205 - 05/20/2021
I have 4 spots left, 6am start!
Broomfield, Colorado - 05/20/2021
I have a 6:00 start time and room for 3 or 4 others. Please let me know if you need a ride. I'm coming from the N. Broomfield/Erie area and can pick up/meet in Boulder or Golden, as needed.
Zip: 80304 - 05/20/2021
I just asked Megan for a parking pass-- so this is contingent on getting one. But, I am a 6 am starter in North Boulder, who can pick up riders along the way. I see a couple people who need a ride so I asked for a parking pass.

Otherwise, I'll need a ride.
Golden, Colorado - 05/20/2021
Forgot to say 6:15 start.
Golden, Colorado - 05/20/2021
I have two spots available. I'll be coming from West Denver and then stopping by Golden on my way. Could always pick someone up at a park in ride off I70
Boulder, Colorado - 05/19/2021
Meant to say 6 am start time in ride needed from Boulder. Thanks.
Boulder, Colorado - 05/19/2021
Am looking for a 6 am carpool ride from Boulder. I can drive to meet somewhere between Boulder and Golden if needed.
Estes Park, Colorado - 05/19/2021
I’m a 7:05 starter looking for a ride