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HackingEDU Fall Training Day 2016

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Zip: 95112 - 10/14/2016

I live near SJSU and I am looking for a ride to the event.

San Jose, California - 10/14/2016
I need to carpool
Zip: 95112 - 10/14/2016
Hi my name is Alex I am driving to the event. I have two available seats.
Sacramento, California - 10/13/2016
I have room for 2 people. Very clean.You bring the music!
Riverside, California - 10/12/2016
Need a ride from University of California, Riverside.
Zip: 90007 - 10/11/2016
Need a ride to HackingEdu! Can be picked anywhere from the LA area, preferrably downtown or the USC campus
Stanford, California - 10/09/2016
Need a ride from Stanford University!
San Jose, California - 10/08/2016
Need a ride from San Jose Area to the event center.
Sunnyvale, California - 10/08/2016
I'm in between sunnyvale and mountain view caltrain. Thanks!
Zip: 90505 - 10/08/2016
Need a ride to HackingEDU! I can meetup anywhere around the LA/OC area!!!
Stanford, California - 10/08/2016
I'm near Stanford/Palo Alto! Thanks in advance!
Zip: 95112 - 10/08/2016
I stay near SJSU campus.

Looking for a ride :)
Davis, California - 10/07/2016
San Mateo, California - 10/06/2016
Super Clean. Space for 3. NO FOOD ALLOWED
Zip: 95112 - 10/06/2016
I stay near to SJSU.. need a ride to this event.
Sunnyvale, California - 10/04/2016
Denver, Colorado - 10/03/2016
Zip: 90024 - 09/27/2016
Need a ride to the HackEdu Training Day!! Preferably would like to be picked up near the UCLA campus or Downtown Los Angeles!
Zip: 94704 - 09/26/2016
Zip: 92617 - 09/21/2016
need a ride from UC Irvine
San Jose, California - 09/20/2016
I'll have space for 1~2 people
Zip: 95132 - 09/19/2016
Tempe, Arizona - 09/19/2016
Zip: 90007 - 09/19/2016
Turlock, California - 09/19/2016
I have room for one person.