The Nebraska Library Association and the Nebraska School Librarians Association are excited to bring our 2014 Annual Conference to a brand new location for us! This year we will be in South Sioux City at the Marina Conference Center. This conference is within easy driving distance of both major Nebraska metro areas while allowing us exposure to a whole new set of local conference attendees. Northeastern Nebraska is home to some of the most vibrant and active libraries in the state with public, academic and special libraries nearby. We also anticipate attendees from S. Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota.
Shelton, Nebraska - 09/17/2014
Leaving Shelton around 4:00 on Wednesday and headed north. Will return Friday after the conference.
Hastings, Nebraska - 07/31/2014
Description of the Ride: Taking the RVLS system car with room for 3 passengers. I plan to leave around 1:00, going east on Hwy 30 through Columbus and then turning north on Hwy 77 at Fremont. Arriving around 5:00 p.m. Leaving after the last session on Friday.
Omaha, Nebraska - 07/21/2014
Hello! I am looking for a ride to the NLA conference on Friday ONLY! I live in the Benson area, but would be willing to meet anywhere in Omaha if I anyone can give me a lift! Thanks guys! -Monica
Lincoln, Nebraska - 07/17/2014
Am looking for ride(s) for Thursday-only attendance. Weds PM would be okay. I will be happy to meet anyone right off the interstate to make things easy.
Hastings, Nebraska - 07/10/2014
Leaving Hastings at around 3 pm on Wednesday. I'll be traveling Interstate 80 to Omaha and then North to SSC.
Hay Springs, Nebraska - 07/06/2014
Leaving Hay Springs about 12:00 noon (Mountain) on Wednesday and traveling along Hwy 20. Have 3rd seat Acadia. Can take six passengers with minimal luggage or four with plenty of room. Plan to arrive in S.Sioux City about 6:00 (Central)
Lincoln, Nebraska - 06/27/2014
Taking the SELS system van up - got room for four passengers. I'll be driving up Wed morning in time for preconferences and leaving after the last session on Friday.
Leigh, Nebraska - 06/27/2014
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