Now is the time for San Diegans to VOICE their hopes, fears, solutions and strategies about a Trump Presidency, bringing together the vital organizing already happening in San Diego. This is a forum to validate all views, speak from the heart, listen with an open heart and then march together in peaceful protest. Sunday, November 20th, 2016 At 12:00PM SD Community organizations will set up tables to form deeper relationships in community. At 1:00PM Speakers** from many organizations will be VOICING on their respective beliefs, hopes, fears, solutions and strategies about the Trump presidency. **ASL interpreter present At 2:00PM we will all MARCH TOGETHER in solidarity and peace. Above all, the VOICES RALLY is aimed at bringing people into the community and into the streets. We want to cultivate vibrant in-person exchanges where people share from their heart what is dear to them as US residents.