Symbiosis 2015
Event Info
Zip: 94621 - 09/22/2016
Offering rides on Friday for symbiosis 2016 around noon
Fresno, California - 09/10/2016
Loveland, Colorado - 09/07/2016
I hail from the Loveland CO! Looking for some wonderful people to journey to Symbiosis along side!
You will be of course compensated for your good work.
Let's begin!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
:) Adrianna
You will be of course compensated for your good work.
Let's begin!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
:) Adrianna
Portland, Oregon - 09/06/2016
Girlfriend and I are looking for a ride down to Symbiosis! We're both very chill and offer good vibes and good company. Will obviously be able to contribute gas money :D
Austin, Texas - 09/05/2016
I'm from Austin and have a flight to Oakland Airport on the 21st for early entry. I am offering rides from Oakland on the 21st and back to Oakland airport on the 27th
Zip: 94621 - 09/05/2016
I am offering a ride from Oakland Airport to Symbiosis on the 21st for early entry, and a ride back to Oakland airport on the 27th
Phoenix, Arizona - 09/01/2016
Looking for someone to take me and my friend Sy to Symbiosis. I am on the Media team for this event and will supply you and your friends with awesome Photos! Also i have a Car camping pass that we can use! Super friendly too can chip on gas and good vibes !
Zip: 97202 - 09/01/2016
Anyone making the trip from Portland to Symbiosis? Will obviously contribute gas money :)
Zip: 90027 - 08/29/2016
I am a very friendly person in need of a ride to Symbiosis! I can absolutely pitch in for gas money and can drive if you want me to as well! My baggage is pretty minimal!
I am a very friendly person in need of a ride to Symbiosis! I can absolutely pitch in for gas money and can drive if you want me to as well! My baggage is pretty minimal!
Oakland - 08/27/2016
Hi, anyone willing to offer a ride from Oakland to symbiosis gathering I can pay for the gas ;) .
Oceanside, California - 09/18/2015
Hey! I need a ride to Symbiosis. Im positive company and can drive half way.
El Cerrito, California - 09/18/2015
A friendly Tarot reader and healer looking for a ride to Symbiosis late Friday or early Saturday. will pitch in for gas. easy pickup location. thanks!
Los Angeles - 09/18/2015
Looking for a ride to Symbiosis!
I am flying from Ohio to LA arriving friday night, I would love to get to Symbiosis ASAP, so I could either bus from LA to SF overnight or whatever will work whereever you are that we can ride together!!! Please let me know :) Much love :)
I am flying from Ohio to LA arriving friday night, I would love to get to Symbiosis ASAP, so I could either bus from LA to SF overnight or whatever will work whereever you are that we can ride together!!! Please let me know :) Much love :)
Oakland Airport - 09/17/2015
I need a ride for me and my kiddie from Oakland airport around 630 pm. Will provide some gas and groceries to you . Please help me and my son get there !!!
Modesto, California - 09/17/2015
Our bus will be arriving in Madesto tommorow... Can anyone give us a ride from there to the festival grounds?
Zip: 90036 - 09/17/2015
Going to Symbiosis Thursday evening 5-7 pm, can take 2-3 people with me.
Zip: 94703 - 09/16/2015
I'm a friendly guy who is doing workshops at Symbiosis. I'm looking to leave any time on Thursday from South Berkeley and will chip in for gas. I only have one big backpack I'm bringing.
San Diego, California - 09/16/2015
My friend cancelled on me so i'm driving up alone in my suv. i have plenty of room. must be herb friendly.
Sacramento, California - 09/16/2015
Leaving Thursday 9/17 from Sacramento around 9am to get there early. Have room for a light packer.
Zip: 94105 - 09/16/2015
A ride for me and my boyfriend to and from symbiosis also have some camping gear.
Zip: 90291 - 09/16/2015
Heading up in my Prius Thursday morning. Have room for one.
Oakland - 09/16/2015
Sweet friend and I are looking for a ride out Friday afternoon, timing flexible. Offering yummy snacks, company and gas contributions.
Zip: 94117 - 09/16/2015
My girlfriend and I would love to join a car headed to Symbiosis on Thursday. Would be awesome and greatly appreciated. If you have any space, my contact is 847.636.0116.
- Jess
- Jess
Oakland, California - 09/16/2015
Leaving Oakland Wednesday night around 7PM. Have room for 1, maybe 2 people. You'll have to have an Early Arrival Pass. No guaranteed ride back.
Zip: 94563 - 09/15/2015
I would so grateful for a ride to Symbiosis Thursday afternoon! Anytime after 1pm would be ideal, preferably arriving before dark. I'd be delighted to contribute money for car honey, snacks for hungry jacks, and conversation worthy of elation. (Rhymes optional.) Or I can sit quietly and stare appreciatively out the window. Pick me up in Orinda if possible or Rockridge if need be. Thanks!
Oakland, California - 09/15/2015
Mill Valley, California - 09/15/2015
I am planning to leave to Symbiosis from Southern Marin on Friday around 1 PM. I can pick up 1-2 passengers + some gear in Southern Marin or San Francisco or anywhere en route. Plan to return late Sunday, possibly Monday AM. Let me know if interested!
Palo Alto, California - 09/15/2015
I need a ride to San Jose Airport either by 5 am Monday am or 12 noon Monday September 21?
Please call
Please call
Los Angeles, California - 09/15/2015
Need a ride to the LAX Airport Monday morning after the festival ends. :)
Oakland Airport - 09/15/2015
Need a ride from the Oakland airport at 3pm on Thursday to the festival. :)
Klaip?da County, Lithuania - 09/15/2015
Ride needed for me and my g/f before 6pm Weds. We need to make it in time for work at the box office.
Friendly well travelled couple looking to share gas cost.
Thanks Tom + Sara
Friendly well travelled couple looking to share gas cost.
Thanks Tom + Sara
Zip: 95825 - 09/14/2015
Leaving Sacramento on Thursday (9/17) morning. Would like to get there between 10am-12pm. I have room for one person, gear, and a bike. :)
Los Angeles - 09/14/2015
Hello! Super chill dude rider willing to split gas and healthy treats from Los Angeles. Willing to leave Thursday or Friday morning. Minimal gear, just 1 to 2 bags. Hope to ride with you! Chris
Oakland - 09/14/2015
Hey Hey! One girl looking for a ride to symbiosis. Wanting to leave Oakland on Saturday after 3pm. Can pitch for gas.
Thanks, Annikah 646-575-5563
Thanks, Annikah 646-575-5563
San Diego, California - 09/14/2015
Hey Now! I am looking for a ride to Symbiosis arriving anytime Wednesday from anywhere in San Diego area! Got Gas $ some gear and Good Driver too!
Grass Valley, California - 09/14/2015
Hey! two girls looking for a ride to Symbiosis from the area of Grass Valley/ Nevada city/ San Juan around wednesday or thursday! We can move to another place too if it is easier for you! Thank you
Oakland - 09/14/2015
im flying into oakland on friday morning. need a ride to symbiosis. i gett in at 9:40 am. i can get a cab to meet if needed. only have a backback with me. meeting all me homies there. i have gas money. please give me ride:)
Bellingham, WA - 09/14/2015
Looking for a ride down to Symbiosis in Oakdale, CA! I'm a great travel companion/extra driver/DJ/navigator! Flexible on leave time, aiming to be there Thursday or very early Friday. I have $$ for gas!
Zip: 95062 - 09/14/2015
Offering a ride Thursday night from Santa Cruz to Symbiosis! send me an email if you wanna catch it! haha blessings!
Zip: 98225 - 09/14/2015
Looking for a ride to Symbiosis/Oakdale, CA from Bellingham/Seattle area. I have gas $$$, happy to help drive/dj/navigate. I have very little gear and don't need much room. Flexible on leaving time. Thank you!!!
Hollywood - 09/13/2015
Hey fellow campers! one savy guy lookin for a ride! traveling light! HMU for contact info!!! Thanks! Have a guud one!
Hollywood - 09/13/2015
2 Happy Campers looking for a ride! Traveling light! HMU for contact info!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Hollywood - 09/13/2015
Happy campers(2) looking for ride! HMU for contact info! We would love to help out too!!
Hollywood - 09/13/2015
Looking for a happy camper to give me and possibly a friend a ride to Symbiosis!
~feel free 2 ask for contact info!
~feel free 2 ask for contact info!
Zip: 95060 - 09/13/2015
Driving Santa Cruz -> Bay -> Symbiosis on Tues the 16th- likely afternoon but flexible about the departure time.
Returning on thurs morning or late weds night :)
Text 310-613-2941 if ya want. Got room for 3 more.
Returning on thurs morning or late weds night :)
Text 310-613-2941 if ya want. Got room for 3 more.
Oakland, California - 09/13/2015
I'll be driving my truck to the festival on Monday evening or Tuesday morning. I'm getting there early to set up the oasis bath house, and would love company and help with gas :)
Austin, Texas - 09/13/2015
2 in need of a ride from either Austin or Dallas.
San Francisco Airport - 09/12/2015
Hello!! I'm flying in on Thursday morning and I'll arrive at 10:00 AM. I would love to share smiles and stories and gas expenses with you on our way to this wonderland :)
Zip: 98034 - 09/12/2015
Kirkland, wa to Symbiosis. Im headed down on Thursday after work and have room for 1 or 2 that are willing to split some costs.
Its a quick turn around because I have to be back at work on Monday morning but...I might be able to get around that for a more leisurely adventure. Im fun times, you must be too. NO BS. This is an all good vibes weekend!
Love n Light
Airika Audio
Its a quick turn around because I have to be back at work on Monday morning but...I might be able to get around that for a more leisurely adventure. Im fun times, you must be too. NO BS. This is an all good vibes weekend!
Love n Light
Airika Audio
san fran - 09/12/2015
My partner and I are looking for a ride for from SF. Wed. or early Thur. Don;t have much stuff and would love to contribute! Thank you and aloha!
Burbank, California - 09/11/2015
Leaving in RV From Los Angeles on tue night at the latest need to enter grounds wends am or Tues late night. I have room for 6 ppl gas $50 each way. We have rom for all your stuff
san fransisco - 09/11/2015
I Guys, I'm looking for a ride to Symbiosis on the 16th. I'm working there as a volunteer. I'm come freshly from Switzerland ;). Please let me know, It would help me a lot! Cheers
Zip: 97266 - 09/11/2015
Just one person going as a guest. Looking for a ride down and back. Will have plenty of money for gas. Good stories and vibes to share.
San Francisco, California - 09/10/2015
hi me and my brother are both working at Symbioisis and need a ride on Friday morning early ish. We can help with gas and good company. We will have minimal stuff . Thanks so much!! My number is 503-737-4056
Austin, Texas - 09/09/2015
Round Trip to Oakdale, CA for Symbiosis. Looking to fill vehicle with 4 people, 60 bucks round trip (50 Hours total Drive). Meeting many old friends/burners/hawaii friends at Symbiosis, last holiday for my working year, hit me up! I'm 32 year old male, responsible with clean driving record, let's get to know each other
Zip: 90064 - 09/09/2015
I'm looking for a ride back to the westside of LA on Sunday 9/20. I got gas money!
Windsor, Ontario - 09/09/2015
Hi All,
I work for the food vendor Spiro's Gyros. I'm looking for a ride to the festival. I'm free to drive up Wednesday after 5pm, or early Thursday morning. Thanks so much! I'll help pay for gas, and give you gyros :D.
I work for the food vendor Spiro's Gyros. I'm looking for a ride to the festival. I'm free to drive up Wednesday after 5pm, or early Thursday morning. Thanks so much! I'll help pay for gas, and give you gyros :D.
Zip: 94132 - 09/08/2015
Need a ride to Symbiosis, might not need a ride home. gas and snacks and goodies supplied :D
Tehachapi, California - 09/07/2015
Leaving from Tehachapi, can pick up anywhere in btw!! Gas, company, and drive time split!!
Denver, Colorado - 09/07/2015
A friend and I need a ride to and from Symbiosis. Will contribute for gas, and driving. Peace and Love!! ;)
Zip: 95060 - 09/07/2015
Looking for a ride! Good convo and goodies. Let's chill and go to Symbiosis!
Denver, Colorado - 09/05/2015
Anyone leaving from Denver able to scoop a brother up?! I can pitch for gas and anything else. Lemme know!
San Francisco, California - 09/04/2015
Media man and a friend looking for a ride! We'll both pitch in for gas and snacks! Appreciate any offers and your time!!
Chicago, Illinois - 09/04/2015
Media man and a friend looking for a ride! We'll both pitch in for gas and snacks! Appreciate any offers and your time!! :D
Redding, California - 08/29/2015
Symbiosis volunteer looking for a ride! Just one of me
Zip: 94116 - 08/21/2015
I'll be volunteering at one of the workshops before the festival and seeking a ride there the 12th or 13th. I'll probably be in SF but could meet you most anywhere in the Bay. I'd be happy of course to share driving, gas, stories, etc etc. Any help appreciated!
Thanks so much,
Thanks so much,
Zip: 95060 - 07/24/2015
UCSC student here, hoping to share a ride to the festival.
Can pitch for gas, bring some snacks, and provide all of the good vibes.
Can pitch for gas, bring some snacks, and provide all of the good vibes.
Vancouver, British Columbia - 07/23/2015
I'm looking for a ride and share gas to the festival. This
Vancouver, BC - 06/30/2015
Hey there,
If anyone is leaving from the Vancouver, BC area or Bellingham, WA area.. I'd love to share a ride down to Symbiosis with you!
Would love to contribute to gas costs, awesome snacks and great company!
If anyone is leaving from the Vancouver, BC area or Bellingham, WA area.. I'd love to share a ride down to Symbiosis with you!
Would love to contribute to gas costs, awesome snacks and great company!
Whitethorn, California - 05/19/2015
one guy, one pack needs ride from Arcata /Garbervikle to rainbow May 23 gathering. Can help with gas.

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